Is your Workplace Safe?
Did you know that 30.7 million working days were lost due to work-related illnesses and workplace injury in 2017/2018? It is an employer’s duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and other people who might be affected by their business. This includes providing sufficient information, instruction and training to employees to all them to work in a way that does not put other at risk.
Both these training courses are regulated and nationally recognised qualifications ideal for providing employees with an understanding of workplace health and safety whilst helping employers fulfil their legal duties. Refresher training is recommended every 3 years.

QA Level 1 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF)
A basic introduction to workplace health and safety. It is suitable for all employees working in a range of environments, as well as employees returning to work or entering work for the first time.
4 hour course Ofqual regulated
What’s Covered?
– Roles and responsibilities of employers and employees
– The importance of health and safety in the workplace
– 8 common workplace hazards and risks
– Workplace conditions than can affect health and safety
– Health and safety signage
– Personal Protective Equipment and its uses
– Importance of personal hygiene
– The purpose of first aid provision
– The need for reporting incidents and ill health

QA Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF)
Ideal for all employees, as it helps candidates develop a greater understanding of health and safety issues and the role that everyone plays in maintaining a safe working environment.
1 day course Ofqual regulated
What’s Covered?
– Roles and responsibilities of employers and employees
– Health and safety laws, including:
– Penalties for non-compliance
– Training and competence in the workplace
– Communicating health and safety information
– Risk assessments and risk control hierarchy
– Identifying and controlling risks from 14 common workplace hazards
– Procedure for responding to accidents and incidents
– Recording incidents, accidents and ill health
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